The Toyota Highlander is compatible with any Bluetooth-enabled phone.
Some Toyota Highlanders have built-in Bluetooth capabilities that allow you to connect your mobile phone to your car's audio system for hands-free calling, as well as to connect a Bluetooth headset to your car's GPS system to listen to turn-by-turn directions without bothering your passengers. The Toyota Highlander is compatible with any Bluetooth-capable phone, including a number of popular models.
Apple iPhone
The Apple iPhone is compatible with the Toyota Highlander. In addition to being able to make and receive calls through the Highlander's speaker system, the iPhone has a built-in MP3 player that can be streamed to your car's audio system, allowing you to listen to tunes while you drive.
The Droid, as well as most other Android phones, is Bluetooth-capable and can be connected to the Toyota Highlander. In addition to making calls, the Droid X has the ability to run a variety of applications and has an HDMI port that allows you to play high-definition video from your phone on your television.
Most BlackBerry devices are also Bluetooth compatible, allowing you to connect them to your Toyota Highlander for making hands-free calls. Contact information from your BlackBerry can also be synced with your Toyota Highlander, allowing you visibly see on your car's dash who is calling you before choosing to answer or ignore a call.
Tags: Toyota Highlander, compatible with, your Toyota Highlander, Apple iPhone, audio system