Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Unlock My E71

When you purchase an E71 from a carrier instead of directly from Nokia, the phone may come with a lock that prevents you from using a SIM card from a different carrier. To use the E71 on another cellular carrier, you need to enter the unlock code. Some carriers refer to the code as the master subsidy lock or subsidy password. Once you supply the code, you can use your E71 on any GSM carrier.


1. Obtain the unlock code for your E71. You can get the code from the carrier that originally sold the phone, or purchase a code from an unlocking service.

2. Turn off the E71 and flip the phone over.

3. Press the battery door release buttons on the left and right edge of the phone and lift the battery door from the bottom.

4. Lift the battery from the top edge and set the battery and battery door aside.

5. Slide the SIM card out of the phone and reinstall the battery and battery door.

6. Turn the E71 on and wait for the phone to boot up completely.

7. Type "#pw+" followed by your unlock code. Type "+1" after the unlock code, unless the original carrier was Rogers or Fido. In this case, type "+7" instead. The phone will display a message that says the SIM card restriction is off.

Tags: battery door, unlock code, battery battery, battery battery door, code from, code your, from carrier