It's important that you properly register your guard phone with the right services.
Cell phones have made communication easier and faster, and because of this they're common in almost all walks of life. This includes the security industry, where communication at a moment's notice could be extremely important. However, if you want to make sure that no unauthorized persons call the phones used by your guards, you're going to need to register the phone with the appropriate service.
1. Examine the packaging the phone came in. There may be a registration form that you can physically fill out and mail in to the manufacturer for warranty purposes, though many providers in the interests of going paperless might include only a website for you to register your guard phone online.
2. Go to the phone provider's website and search for a registration option. There should be a specific address provided to you that you can go to for digital registration. Register your phone by answering all of the questions and providing the information about your phone, including the number, make, model and serial number if necessary.
3. Register your phone with all necessary lists; for instance, the government's "do not call" registry, which restricts your phone from being called by advertisers and recruiters, requires you to register your phone number.
Tags: your phone, phone with, guard phone, Register your, register your