Palm Pre smartphones run the WebOS operating system.
Palm Pre smartphones originally came with a workaround developed by Palm that allowed them to sync the music on the device with iTunes, like an iPod or iPhone. Apple disabled this workaround, preventing the sync feature on the Palm Pre from working with iTunes. You can still add music directly to the Palm Pre using its included USB mode feature, which allows it to function like a standard USB device. You can copy music files from your computer directly onto the device from Windows Explorer.
1. Click "Start," click "Computer" and browse to the music files on the computer you want to add to the Palm Pre.
2. Connect the Palm Pre to the computer using the included USB cable. Connect the small end of the cable to the Palm Pre and the large end to a USB slot on the computer.
3. Tap "USB Drive" on the Palm Pre's screen.
4. Click "Start" and select "Computer."
5. Double-click the Palm Pre in the Computer window.
6. Drag and drop the music files from the computer into the Palm Pre's window.
7. Right-click the Palm Pre device in the computer window and select "Eject."
8. Disconnect the Palm Pre from the computer.
Tags: music files, Click Start, files from, from computer, music files from, Palm from, Palm smartphones