Thursday, January 22, 2015

Put Skype On A Computer

The Skype software program allows users to make voice and video calls to other Skype users, landlines and mobile phones. The basic Skype computer-to-computer service is free. There is a charge to make calls to landlines or mobile phones. You can also use Skype to send instant messages to other users. The Skype software must be installed on a computer. It is available for the Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. The software interacts with the computer's microphone and speakers and can be used with a web camera.


1. Open any Web browser and navigate to the Skype website at

2. Click on the "Get Skype" link at the top of the page.

3. Click on the "Get Skype" link on the download page.

4. Click on the "Download Skype" button under the "Skype Free" section of the next page to download and install the software.

5. Click the "Get Started Now" link at the end of the installation process.

6. Type your Skype name and password into the text boxes. If you don't have a Skype name, click the "Don't have a Skype Name?" link and create one.

7. Click the "Sign in" button. The Skype desktop interface will appear.

Tags: Click Skype, Click Skype link, have Skype, landlines mobile, landlines mobile phones, mobile phones