Consider getting a business telephone line for your business.
Many businesses have business telephone lines, and setting up one is an important step in starting a new business. Having a telephone line that is linked to the business is essential if you plan on having your business listed in the telephone book or other directories. Further, having a separate business line is valuable if you do not wish to have business-related phone calls made to your mobile phone.
1. Contact telephone companies that offer business accounts. A variety of companies offer business-class telephone lines, such as: Comcast, Verizon, Time Warner Cable, and AT&T. Contact these companies to see if they service the area in which your business is located and their pricing and business plan options (see References).
2. Contact the customer service department of the company that you chose. Once you have picked a company, call the customer service department to discuss a service package and plan. Many plans last from one to three years and require a business contract.
3. Sign your business telephone service contract. The telephone company will send you a contract through the U.S. Postal Service or email. Sign the contract and return it.
4. Schedule a time and date for setup. Once you have signed the contract, you will have to have someone from the telephone company come and hook up your new business telephone line.
Tags: your business, business telephone, telephone line, business telephone line, customer service, customer service department, Once have