Friday, April 17, 2015

Unlock The Mobile Mini Sd Card

SD card and a PDA.

Mini SD cards are used with cellular phones or PDAs for additional storage for pictures, music, and other media. The card looks identical to a standard SD card but is only a quarter of the size. Many people have problems with unlocking the card and are not able to load media onto the card. There are several scenarios and options to solve this problem.


Removing the Write Protection

1. Insert the mini SD card into a SD card adapter. The adapter allows the mini SD card to be used in larger devices (computer, printer, etc.).

2. Slide the lock to the "OFF" position. The lock is located on the left-hand side of the mini SD adapter.

3. Insert the adapter into your computer or printing device. Inserting the adapter can cause the lock to slide. Check and reinsert if needed.

4. You can also place tape over the lock while in the "OFF" position. This will hold the switch in place when inserting the mini SD adapter into the device. This step is not needed if the previous step worked.

Formatting the Mini SD Card

5. Back up the files that you have on the mini SD card. You can do this by saving the media files straight to your phone or PDA. Once you have formatted your mini SD card, the files can be transferred back to the card.

6. Insert the mini SD card into the adapter, and insert the card into your computer.

7. Open the "Control Panel" on your computer.

8. Go to "Administrative Tools" and select the "Computer Management" option. Left click on "Disk Management".

9. Select the storage device that is your mini SD card. You will see it in the list on the right side of your screen. Right-click on the mini SD card. Select the "Format" option. A new window will appear with several formatting options. Select "FAT32" from the drop down, select "Quick Format" and then click on "OK".

Tags: mini card, card into, your computer, adapter into, Insert mini, Insert mini card