Unlocking your cell phone to use it on other networks.
The Nokia 7500, also known as the Nokia Prisma, is a stylish cell phone released in 2007. The Prisma, like most phones, comes locked to its network by default. This means that you can only use the Prisma with the service provider from whom you purchased the phone. However, if you unlock it, you can use it on other networks by swapping out its SIM card for a prepaid or foreign SIM card from another company.
1. Get your Prisma's unique IMEI number by typing "*#06#" into its keypad. Take note of this 16-digit number.
2. Contact your service provider's tech support and request an unlock code. If they refuse to give you a code, you can purchase one from an online company such as mobileunlocksolutions.com, unlockitnow.com or unlockallcellular.com (see links in Resources).
3. Turn your Prisma off and remove its SIM card. Turn the phone back on without a SIM card.
4. Type "#pw+unlock code+1#" into your phone's keypad, with "unlock code" representing the code you received in Step 2. To get the "+" symbol, tap the "*" button twice. To get the letter "p," tap the "*" button three times. To get the letter "w," tap the "*" button four times. A message will now be displayed on your phone that says "SIM Restriction Off," confirming that your phone has been unlocked.
Tags: unlock code, your phone, cell phone, letter button, Nokia 7500, other networks