The LG Dare, which is on the Verizon network in the United States, has a 3.2 megapixel camera and camcorder. The device has full HTML web browsing for a computer-like web experience. It is Bluetooth stereo capable. The device's large 3-inch touchscreen allows you to use your fingertips to compose messages, enter information and even dial numbers.
1. Press the lock button twice, it's the one with the padlock icon on the left side of the phone.
2. Enter a contact into the phone. Touch "Contacts" and then "New." Touch the "Name" field and begin entering the name using the default virtual alphabetical keyboard. If you are feeling adventurous you can play with the handwriting recognition. Touch the pen icon on the right of the screen for a demonstration.
3. Write the name and press "Done."
4. Enter the number and press "Save."
5. Use the touch screen to make a call. Touch the label "Contacts" on the screen with the tip of your finger. Scroll using the "Search" ribbon. It's the ribbon on the screen between the text "Contact List" and the contacts. Just drag the slider. Press the phone button to make the call.
6. Press the "End" button to end the call.
7. Touch the shortcut menu key. It's at the right side of the screen. Choose an option like "Browser" or "My Music." Rotate the phone 90 degrees. The on-screen display will rotate into landscape view.
Tags: call Touch, make call