Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Call Pc To Mobile

A microphone and an Internet connection are all that you need to make VoIP calls.

It may sound like science fiction, but calling mobile phones from your PC is easy to do. This is done with a technology called VoIP (pronounced "voyp"). Voice Over Internet Protocol allows a computer to connect to mobile phones and traditional landlines. Two of the most popular VoIP programs you can use at home are Google Voice and Skype. If you have a Gmail account, Google Voice is already awaiting activation in your "Settings" menu. Skype will require you to download a free desktop client. As of March 2011, Google Voice offers free calls to phones anywhere in the US. Skype requires you to either pay-as-you-go or sign up for a subscription. Both services require payment for international calls.


Google Voice

1. Sign into your Gmail account. Click the "Call Phone" link within the "Chat" menu. A small pop-up number pad will appear in the bottom-right corner of your inbox.

2. Type the phone number into the "Search or dial" text field. You can either click the number buttons on screen or use the number keys on your keyboard. If you are making a call outside of the US, click on the flag icon to the left of the text field. Select the country you are calling. This will add the country prefix automatically.

3. Click the blue "Call" button. You will hear ringing through your speakers or headset. The call will connect, and you can speak just as you would through a phone. When you are ready to end the call, click the blue button again.


4. Launch your Skype desktop client. Click the "Call Phones" tab at the bottom of the screen. This will open a separate window.

5. Click the flag icon to the left of the text field to select the country you are calling. Enter the phone number into the text field, using either the on-screen number buttons or your keyboard's number keys. If you wish to save this number for later use, press the "Save" button.

6. Click the green "Call" button. You will hear ringing through your speakers or headset. Once connected, you may conduct your call as you would through a phone. When you are ready to end the call, click the green button again.

Tags: Google Voice, text field, your speakers headset, button again, button will, button will hear, Call button