Be sure to use car washing soap on your Civic Si.
A clean car always stands out on the road, simply looking better and newer. Cleaning a Honda Civic Si takes a bit of work, but is well worth the payoff. Much like maintaining the car's engine, cleaning it on a regular basis is essential to prolonging a car's life. It prevents dirt build up, scratches, and keeps the wheels and tires clean and running smoothly.
1. Park the car in the driveway and spray it down using a hose.
2. Pour a small amount of the car washing soap into an empty bucket and fill with water.
3. Doing one section of the car at a time, use the washing mitt to lather the soap over the car's surface and windows. Then rinse with the hose.
4. Use a towel to quickly dry off the whole car. (It is important to dry quickly to avoid the sun drying the water and leaving spots).
5. Use a rag and the left over soapy water to scrub the grime off of the wheels leaving them looking shiny and new. Then use the rag to spread the Tire Wet over the tires.
6. Remove the foot mats from the inside of the car. Vacuum these and the floor of the car. It also doesn't hurt to run the vacuum over the seats as well.
Tags: Honda Civic, washing soap