If you're used to traditional musical notation, NoteWorthy Composer is your best bet for transcribing music to the computer. NoteWorthy Composer can create MIDI files, as well as files in its own NWC format. The MIDI files produced in this inexpensive program can be played back in any program that plays back MIDI, and can easily be recorded as sound files. The program can also be used to print sheet music in a format that looks very clean and professional, complete with lyrics.
Instructions Time Signature. Select the correct number of beats per measure and the value of the beat. Or you may select common time or alla breve if necessary.
3. Return to the Notation selection. This time, select Key Signature from the list. Choose the correct key from the list, or create your own user-defined signature. Click OK.
4. Select the correct note length from the toolbar. Then either click the correct area on the staff or use the arrow keys to move the cursor up or down. Press the Enter key to create your note. If you would like to use a MIDI keyboard to enter your notes, connect the keyboard to the MIDI port on your sound card. However, if you would like NoteWorthy Composer to calculate the note lengths for you, you must add a rhythm track to your score and click the "Record" button before you play the piece.
5. Create chords by first creating a note, then placing the cursor directly to the right of the note and clicking Control + Enter to add additional notes. To create rests, select the correct duration from the notes in the toolbar, then press the space bar. Add a bar line by pressing the tab key. If you wish to tie a note, you must do it before you add the bar between the notes; however, notes can be slurred with the bar in place.
6. Add dynamics, such as Fortissimo through Pianissimo, Crescendo and Decrescendo with the Notation > Dynamic command from the right-click menu, or from the toolbar. Pedal, Pedal Release and other notations can be accessed from the toolbar. Most of these will have to be added to all staves in order to function properly. Other notation such as staccato, accent, tenuto and slur can be added at this point to individual notes. Tempo can be entered on each staff through the Notation Properties dialog box. Staff volume can be controlled by clicking Edit > Properties and selecting the MIDI tab.
7. Save your file with a name you can easily remember. By default, the program saves in NWC format. If you wish to play the file in another program, you must save it in MIDI format.
Tags: from toolbar, create your, from list, MIDI files, NoteWorthy Composer, Select correct, would like