Get Instant Messenger on Nokia 5300
The Nokia 5300 is a smartphone that enables users to download applications from the Internet and take full advantage of its built-in Internet connection. You can even download one of many different types of instant messaging applications, allowing you to send free text-based messages over the Internet to both phone and computer users. This can be done by following a few simple steps.
1. Connect your Nokia 5300 to your computer using the included USB data transfer cable.
2. Use a site like (see References) to download an instant messaging application designed for the Nokia 5300. You can pick from popular instant messaging programs like AOL Instant Messenger or Yahoo! Messenger, or choose one of the many alternatives.
3. Open the Nokia PC Suite application on your computer. This application is used to install applications to your Nokia 5300.
4. Select the installation file for the instant messaging application you've just downloaded using the Nokia PC Suite. This will mark the file for installation on your Nokia 5300.
5. Click "Transfer." The instant messaging application that you have selected will be transferred to your Nokia 5300 using the data transfer cable. Once this occurs, you will be able to access the instant messaging program using the 5300's main menu.
Tags: Nokia 5300, instant messaging, your Nokia 5300, your Nokia, instant messaging application