The LG 220C is a basic code division multiple access (CDMA) phone sold by several prepaid cellular service providers in the United States. The phone offers a speaker phone, voice dialing and SMS text messaging. The phone code is a security feature on the LG 200C that requires you to enter a passcode every time you turn the phone on or exit the phone's standby mode. You can reset this passcode by either resetting the passcode through the settings menu or resetting the entire phone. Should you choose to reset the entire phone, the process will permanently delete any settings and information stored on the phone, including the phone's passcode.
Reset Entire Phone
1. Press the "left" soft key on your LG 200C phone.
2. Press the "9" key on your phone to access the Settings menu.
3. Press the "8" key on your phone to access the phone's information menu.
4. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the "Reset" option.
5. Press the "Select" button. You phone will display a message asking you to confirm that you want to reset the phone. Press the "Select" button again to complete the reset process. Your phone will automatically reset to its original factory state.
Reset Phone Passcode
6. Press the "Left" soft key on your LG 200C phone.
7. Press the "9" key on your phone to access the Settings menu.
8. Press the "3" key on your phone to access the phone's security menu.
9. Use the "Up" and "Down" arrow keys to highlight the "Passcode" option.
10. Use the "Up" and "Down" arrow keys to highlight the "Change Passcode" option. Your phone will prompt you to enter the existing passcode. Use your phone's keypad to enter the existing four-digit passcode. Press the "Select" button. Your phone will prompt you to enter a new four-digit passcode. Enter the new four-digit passcode you want to use. Press the "Select" button to confirm your new passcode.
Tags: phone access, phone will, Press Select, Press Select button, Press your, Press your phone, Select button