Thursday, May 28, 2015

Find Unlisted Numbers

It is more difficult to track down a person with a common name.

Locating a person who has an unlisted phone number can be tricky. People decide to have unlisted phone numbers for a variety of reasons. For example, a public figure may not want a listed phone number because he or she does not want to be bombarded with calls from members of the community. Sometimes tracking down a person's number can be as easy as typing their name into Google, but other times it may be necessary to use a company that specializes in tracking people down. These companies generally charge a fee for their services.



1. Type the person's name into Google, along with any other information you know about the person. For example if you are searching for a girl you went to the University of Colorado with named "Jane Doe" type in "Jane Doe University of Colorado at Boulder." If the person has put their name in a newsletter, or any document published on the web you may be able to track them down this way.

2. Use a social networking site such as Facebook. Type in the person's name and see if you can find a profile. Even if you do locate her on Facebook, her number may not be posted on her profile, or you may not be able to view her profile if you are not already her "friend." Request to be friends with the person and then send a message requesting the number.

3. Locate the person's phone number using an online tool. Zimbio offers unlisted phone number searches and reverse phone checks. Intelius, Phone Detective and Reverse Phone Check are other companies you can use to find an unlisted number.

Tags: phone number, unlisted phone, down person, into Google, name into, name into Google, person name