Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Recover Deleted Text Messages From A Phone

Recover Deleted Text Messages From a Phone

Sometimes, you may accidentally delete very important text messages from your phone. This becomes a problem when your phone does not have a "trash" folder where deleted text messages are transferred. Luckily, a deleted text message can still be recovered--unless new data is overwritten to the location where the message was previously saved.


1. Download "Data Doctor Recovery Sim Card" to your computer (See Resources). This will help you retrieve your lost text messages. Save the file and run the installer. Finish the installation process and reboot your computer if necessary.

2. Turn off your mobile phone and remove your SIM card. Insert it into your USB SIM card reader and plug the device into a USB port on your computer. Wait for the computer to recognize the device. If the SIM card reader comes with a software driver, install it on the computer as well.

3. Launch the "Data Doctor Recovery" and wait for it to completely load. Click the "Read Sim Card" icon at the upper left portion of the window for the software to search for your SIM card. If the software fails to detect the SIM card, unplug the device from the computer and make sure that the SIM card is inserted properly into the USB SIM card reader. Connect the device again to the USB port.

4. Choose the type of SIM card reader you have on the next window that appears. Below the options, click "Default" and then "OK." You will be prompted that the SIM card has been successfully detected.

5. Click on the "Message" icon. This is where your recently deleted text messages are listed, including the date and time they were sent, and the name and number of the sender. Click on the "Save Recovered Data to File" button at the upper portion of the window. You can save the recovered file to a local drive or external storage device.

Tags: card reader, deleted text, text messages, your card, your computer, Data Doctor