If you're busy, send a call straight to your voicemail.
Everybody has an off day; sometimes, you just don't feel like accepting calls from your friends or you're simply too busy. Voicemail has made it possible for people to miss phone calls and still get the message the next time you are available. Send a call straight to voicemail if you prefer to not answer the phone for the day.
1. Navigate through your menu into your phone settings. Select "Call Forwarding." Select "To Voicemail" and choose "On." This allows you to make phone calls when necessary, but all incoming calls will go to voicemail.
2. Turn on Flight Mode if your phone doesn't offer call forwarding. Navigate through your menu into your phone settings. Select "Profiles." Choose "Flight." This turns off the wireless function on your phone, but the offline features of your phone are still available.
3. Turn off your phone if it doesn't have call forwarding or flight mode. If your phone is off, messages automatically go right to voicemail.
Tags: your phone, call straight, into your, into your phone, menu into