Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Stop A Virus That Sends Emails From Your Computer

Some viruses, as well as worms, have the capacity to hijack the user's e-mail client and obsessively send out copies of themselves to everyone on the contact list. Other malware, like bots, adware or spyware, may also have this capability and mail unauthorized messages, although these programs are unable to replicate themselves like true viruses. The most promising course of action to take in this or any other case of infection is to use quality antivirus and anti-malware programs to scan the computer and eradicate the contagion(s). Excellent security software can be had for free.


Obtaining the Required Software

1. Go to

2. Move cursor to the list of choices under the title "Categories" on the very left of the page; mouse over the tab (without clicking) called "Security Software." A second list of choices appears immediately to the right; now click on the top choice, marked "Most popular Security software." A new page appears.

3. Decide which product you want based on popularity, editor's picks or personal preference; download it.

Scanning for malware

4. Install the software and immediately perform an update in order to obtain the latest version and most recent definitions.

5. Follow the instructions provided by your new security software and perform a full system scan.

6. Once the scan is complete, which may take several hours, remove any detected threats.

7. Restart the computer.

Tags: list choices, security software