The Alcatel OT-800 feature phone has a personal identification number security feature that prevents unauthorized use of your phone. When the phone is locked, you need to enter your PIN code to place calls, send messages or access any of your private data. The lock is enabled when you turn off the phone. Turning on the phone again loads the password entry window, which you can't bypass without unlocking the phone.
1. Press and hold the "Send" button until the phone turns on. The "Send" button is a half-circle button with a green line on it and is located on the left side of the phone, above the "Q." The password prompt screen appears on the phone.
2. Push the number buttons on the Alcatel OT-800 keypad that correspond to your four-digit PIN code. The PIN is 1234 if you haven't changed the code in the phone's security settings.
3. Press the "OK" button in the middle of the navigation buttons to confirm unlocking your phone. The Alcatel OT-800 boots up once you confirm the PIN code.
Tags: Alcatel OT-800, Send button, your phone