Monday, November 30, 2015

Insert A Sim Card

SIM (short for Subscriber Identity Module) cards come in very handy. You can choose to store phone numbers, addresses, and even text messages on it, thus making your personal contacts and other information transferable when you decide to get a new cell phone.


1. Make sure your SIM card will fit your phone. Many SIM card have the company's logo with which they are affiliated. If your card has a logo that doesn't match the one on your phone, it might not be the right model. Speak with your service provider if you can't seem to get it to work.

2. Take the back off your phone. Usually, there's a release button of some type that you have to press in, to allow the back to slide off. Look carefully, because it's not as obvious on some phones as it is on others.

3. Remove the battery from your phone, and set it aside with the back plate.

4. Place the SIM card into the appropriate cavity (there's usually only one) by sliding it in beneath the little metal bar. Make sure the side with the visible part of the microchip is facing down. Sometimes, companies make it easier by writing "This Side Up" on the SIM card.

5. Replace the battery in the phone and slide the back plate on.

Tags: your phone, back plate, Make sure, your card