Bluetooth headset used with Motorola phones
As Bluetooth technology continues to take over media and devices around the world, companies such as Motorola have enchanced their capabilities with the technology. The Motorola cell phone manufacturer allows users to sync their devices to Bluetooth headsets in order to use the mobile phones hands-free. The Bluetooth device can be used to talk on your phone or transfer files from as far away as a few dozen feet. The Bluetooth syncing can be done with just your phone and a headset using the Motorola phone's internal options.
1. Turn on your Bluetooth headset by pressing and holding the "Power" button until the indicator light switches on.
2. Select the "Bluetooth" menu on your Motorola phone's main menu options.
3. Select "Bluetooth Manager" and select "Settings." Be sure that the "Status" field is switched "On" and the box for "Allow other Bluetooth devices to see this phone" is checked.
4. Select "Paired Devices" from your Motorola phone's main menu and select "Add."
5. Allow a list to be popoulated of available devices and select your Bluetooth headset.
6. Enter the default "0000" passcode using your keypad and select "Done."
7. Follow the prompts for your individual Motorola device.
Tags: Bluetooth headset, Motorola phone, main menu, Motorola phone main, phone main