Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Connect Your Phone Via Bluetooth To Use Skype

Connect your Bluetooth headset to your phone to make Skype calls.

Skype is an application that allows you to make calls via the Internet, rather than using a phone plan. Certain phones, such as iPhones, Blackberrys and Nokias, support the Skype application. As such, users who download the application can make free or cheap calls without using their phone's anytime minutes. This may be particularly useful for oversees travelers who wish to stay in touch with friends without incurring expensive charges. If you would like to use your Bluetooth headset while making a Skype phone call, you will need to pair your phone with your headset and use Skype as normal.


1. Scroll to "Options," "Connections" or "Settings" on your phone to locate the Bluetooth settings. Press your phone's "Menu" or "Home" key to locate these features.

2. Check, tap or slide the "On" button located next to the "Bluetooth" setting to turn on your Bluetooth.

3. Hold down your Bluetooth headset's power button for five to 10 seconds until the light blinks to activate "Pairing Mode." Doing so will allow other devices to locate and connect to your headset.

4. Click "Add Device" located in your phone's Bluetooth settings. It will locate your headset for pairing

5. Type in the connection code printed in your Bluetooth's owner's manual when prompted on your phone's screen.

6. Scroll to your phone's Skype application, and place a call as usual.

Tags: your Bluetooth, your phone, Bluetooth headset, Skype application, your Bluetooth headset, your headset