Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Airtime For A Tracphone

TracFone offers pay-as-you-go cell-phone service programs.

TracFone provides cell-phone services through pay-as-you-go or prepaid programs. In order to keep TracFone service activated, users must add airtime and minutes at prescribed intervals based on the number of minutes and air time purchased previously. TracFone offers several ways to add airtime, including online purchase, purchase via TracFone cell phone, automatic updates charged to credit-card accounts and readily available airtime cards.


1. Air-time cards are available at many locations, for convenience.

Purchase a new TracFone airtime card, available at numerous department stores, gas stations, convenience stores, drug stores, restaurants and other establishments. Scrape the TracFone code mask from the back of the airtime card to expose your validation code. Follow instructions for your TracFone model to add airtime using the code provided. Your update will be reflected on your screen, usually within a few minutes.

2. Running out of airtime at the beach? Call 1-800-867-7183 to add more.

Call TracFone's toll-free airtime-update help line to add minutes and days of service to your TracFone account, which will then be charged against the credit card of your choice. The current number is: 1-800-867-7183.

3. Automatic TracFone airtime updates are charged to credit-card accounts.

Sign up for TracFone's automatic airtime update program, which works by periodically charging your credit-card account for adding preselected blocks of airtime and minutes to your TracFone cell-phone service. Follow TracFone instructions for airtime updates. Registration required.

4. Sign up for TracFone's "airtime on demand" program, which allows you to update airtime and minutes directly through your TracFone cell phone. TracFone will charge your credit-card account according to what airtime and minutes you choose to add at any given time. Registration required.

5. Your automatic and on-demand TracFone airtime update charges will show on your credit-card statement.

Pay for your automatic and on-demand TracFone airtime updates when you pay your monthly credit-card bill. TracFone offers several options and plan costs regarding quantity and frequency of automatic airtime updates. In the event you run out of minutes between automatic updates, you can still update manually.

Tags: TracFone airtime, airtime minutes, airtime updates, your TracFone, TracFone offers, your credit-card