Released in February 2009, the Motorola ROKR EM330 comes with a variety of features, including text and multimedia message capabilities. One or more of an assortment of situations can cause the phone to experience problems when sending and receiving text and multimedia messages, most of which can be easily remedied. In some texting situations, however, all that will fix the problem is a little patience.
The Motorola ROKR EM330, also known as the EM28, accesses the 2G wireless network on the 850, 1,800 and 1,900 radio frequencies, but must have this setting activated to work properly. Although the phone connects to this network by default, its network setting can become disconnected or disabled inadvertently or as the result of the phone losing reception. You can check this setting by accessing the phones settings menu from the home screen. Without this network connection established, you will be unable to send and receive text and multimedia messages.
Extreme Conditions
Severe weather, power outages and large volumes of network traffic can cause the Motorola ROKR EM330 to be unable to send and receive text and multimedia messages. When a cell tower experiences high traffic volumes, it will either hold on to cellular transmissions, including text messages, or attempt to divert them to a nearby tower for faster processing. If the tower retains your text message, it will appear as if the message has been sent, but will not arrive at its destination until the tower is able to deal with its traffic volume. If the message is diverted to a nearby tower, you may experience a long delay and the message may fail to send. During stormy weather or power outages, your text message will just fail to send at all. In each of these situations, patience and a willingness to try again later are the best ways to deal with the circumstance.
The Motorola ROKR EM330 has no internal memory and relies entirely on a memory card for storing data and processing space. The phone's card slot supports microSD memory cards for up to 2GB of expanded memory. As this memory nears or reaches its capacity, you may experience decreased processing speeds for most of the device's applications, including sending and receiving text and multimedia messages. Checking the device for unused applications and deleting them will help improve the phone's processing speed and may clear up your text message problems.
Email Option
Using the EM330's ability to connect to the Internet can provide you with a viable option for sending messages in spite of the phone's text message problems. This option requires you to access an online email account, such as Yahoo or Gmail, and to create and send messages as you would on a laptop or desktop computer. This process is not as convenient as sending text messages using the phone's messaging features, but will at least enable you to communicate through written messages.
Tags: text multimedia, Motorola ROKR, Motorola ROKR EM330, multimedia messages, ROKR EM330, text message