The Bell network offers cell phones and home phones.
Bell is a well-known communications company in Canada. Bell offers mobility services, Internet, cable TV and home phone services and packages. Bell offers both mobility cell phones and home phone services. You can unlock or unregister both services by visiting a Bell store and speaking with a representative. To unlock any services with Bell, you need to prove your identity, provide them with contracts of your phone services and show your Bell SIM card for cell phone, if applicable.
Unlocking Bell Mobility
1. Visit a Bell store to unlock your Bell mobility cell phone. You should have your cell phone, the SIM card and contract readily available.
2. Ask the representative to unlock your phone. Provide the representative with your contract and SIM card so the representative can locate your account in the Bell system. Your SIM card code is required for the device to be unlocked.
3. Sign the release documents the representative will provide you. This is to prove that you have asked to be released from the Bell network. If you are under contract, the papers may also state that you agree to pay the remainder of your contract to compensate Bell for leaving the contract. Read these papers carefully.
4. Pay the amount the representative asks of you. The fee may depend on your contract status.
5. Place your Bell SIM card in your phone of choice and register it with another service provider in Canada.
Unlocking Bell Home Phone
6. Contact a Bell store or the customer service department using your telephone. Have your home phone contract ready when you call.
7. Tell the customer service representative that you would like to cancel or unlock your Bell home phone service, so you can use another home phone service provider.
8. Provide the customer service representative with your contract number, phone number and list of other Bell services. Some of your other Bell services may be affected when you cancel your home phone, as they are often purchased in saving bundles.
9. Pay a cancellation fee and ask for a letter of account cancellation. A few days may pass before the account is completely cancelled. Contact another service provider to register your home phone. You are no longer locked to the Bell home phone service network.
Tags: home phone, your Bell, your contract, Bell store, cell phone, customer service