When you store contact information and personal details on your cellphone, selling a used phone or trading it for an upgrade can mean putting your own private information at risk. The hard reset feature on the Nokia 5610 restores your phone to its original condition, eliminating your personal information in minutes.
A hard reset resets your 5610 to the original factory settings. When you force a hard reset of your phone, it erases any added applications and personal files from the phone, returning it to the condition it was in when it was new from the factory.
When you are trading in your 5610, or selling it through a private sale, your personal information is at risk unless you return the phone to its original state. The reset erases your contacts and any personal accounts you have configured in the applications. It also removes images and other information that was not saved to the memory card.
Touch the "Menu" option to access your phone's settings and customization menus. Select "Settings" then choose "Rest. factory sett." to start the hard reset. The reset utility will prompt you for the phone's security code to confirm the reset. If you do not have the reset code, your wireless carrier may be able to provide it.
Copy any images or contact information to a removable memory card or your computer before you confirm the hard reset process if you want to preserve them. There is no option to reverse a hard reset once it is complete, and any information removed is permanently lost. If your phone is responding with an error or an application has frozen, a soft reset can clear the system memory and restart the phone. The soft reset may resolve the problem without needing to erase all of the data on the phone.
Tags: hard reset, your phone, contact information, information risk, memory card