Thursday, October 29, 2015

Mute An Lg Cell Phone

Mute an LG Cell Phone

Many major cell phone companies, such as Verizon, Sprint and AT&T wireless use LG cell phones. Muting your LG cell phone during a conversation may be something you want to do if you have been put on hold, or if you are speaking to somebody standing near you while you are using the LG cell phone. The age of your LG cell phone and the type of phone you own will determine the method for muting your LG cell phone.


Method 1

1. Place the call with the LG cell phone. You cannot "pre-mute" an LG cell phone so you will have to wait until the call is placed.

2. Locate the "Mute" option on the screen of the phone. It will most likely be in the bottom left or right corner of the screen.

3. Press the key directly underneath the "Mute" to mute the LG cell phone. You will mute the phone.

4. Press the "Mute" key again to unmute the LG cell phone.

Method 2

5. Place your call with the LG phone.

6. Select the "Options" button.

7. Scroll through the listed options and then highlight "Mute."

8. Press "OK" to mute the LG cell phone.

9. Repeat the process and select "Unmute" instead of mute to unmute the LG cell phone.

Tags: cell phone, phone will, your cell phone, your cell, call with, cell phone