Play games with your Skype messenger contacts.
Skype is an instant messaging service best known for it's phone call service. It allows users to make free unlimited calls to other Skype users, as well as low rate calls to phones in any country. Skype also provides the basic services of an instant messenger program--you can talk, video call and play games.
1. Download and install Skype (see Resources).
2. Run the program and log into Skype using your Skype name and password. If you don't have a Skype name, create one by clicking on "Don't Have a Skype Name" and filling out the details.
3. Download some Skype games from the Skype Extras page (see Resources). Once downloaded, the games will become available to use.
4. Double-click on a contact to open a conversation box.
5. Click on "Conversations," click on "Extras," then choose a game from the list. An invitation will then be sent to the contact. When she accepts, the game will begin.
Tags: Skype name, your Skype