Monday, October 5, 2015

Unlock An Sim Card For Free

There are several ways to unlock a SIM card for free.

Unlocking a cell phone lets you remove network restrictions enacted by your network carrier that prevent you from moving to a different carrier. If your cell phone's SIM card has been locked to a specific Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), there are various free options to unlock it.


1. Contact the customer service department of your cellphone's network service provider and request a SIM unlock code for your phone. Your account must be in good standing for your cellphone carrier to provide you with a code. This code is usually free of charge.

2. Look for a free unlock code online. Websites such as Peters1, Hyfeno, Nokia Free, Unlock it Free and GSM liberty provide free unlock codes for a variety of cellphone models (see Resources).

3. Write the unlock code on a piece of paper when you are able to obtain it. To unlock your SIM card, follow the instructions provided for your specific phone model. Instructions vary by model.

Tags: unlock code, cell phone, free unlock, your cellphone