Unlocking a Nokia 6126 can be simple and quick.
People who have bought a Nokia 6126 secondhand or who want to use their 6126 with a different service provider will often find the 6126 locked to the original provider. Whilst it may appear difficult to unlock this cell phone upon first glance, just a quick call to your cell carrier or a brief search of the Internet can provide you with a free unlock code and have your new cell unlocked within a matter of minutes.
1. Obtain an unlock code by calling your phone's service provider and asking for one. They will most likely ask for your cell's IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number before granting you a code, but you can access this swiftly by keying in "*#06#" to your phone (without the quotation marks). In most cases, your phone carrier will provide you with an unlock code.
2. Find free unlock codes online if your carrier will not provide you with one. Some of these services charge money and some are free.
3. Key in the following sequence on your Nokia 6126 once you have received your unlock code: #pw+CODE+1#, where "CODE" is the unlock code you've acquired. To input "p," press "*" three times. To get "w," press "*" four times. To get "+," press "*" twice. Your Nokia 6126 should say "SIM Restriction off".
Tags: Nokia 6126, unlock code, provide with, your cell, your phone, carrier will