Friday, October 23, 2015

Put A Moped Carburetor Back Together

You've taken apart your moped carburetor, cleaned it out to clear the air flow holes, now all you have to do is figure out put it back together. You can't wait to get back on the moped and see how the engine runs. Don't worry, because putting a moped carburetor back together is an easy process.


1. Place the float back around the carburetor body. Slide the needle into the metal rod fitting so that it pokes out through the center of the body. The needle is grooved to slide perfectly inside the hole of the fitting. Stick the pin on the end of the fitting to hold it all in. Move the float around to make sure that it can move up and down easily.

2. Replace the jet. Put the pieces back down into the hole. Put back the bottom of the carburetor or float bowl and screw it on to the fitting holding the float and the jet. This strips the carburetor body easily so be careful not to over tighten. Make sure that the rubber fitting is snug to avoid any gas leaks.

3. Find the pin inside the main slide. Look for the little metal fitting that will turn around the pin. This is a key point to how you will set the pin. The pin has several grooves on it. Set it on the second grove from the top for most carburetors. Make sure you took note of where it was set before taking it apart, though, in case it was at a different setting. Slide the metal fitting back on to the proper setting.

Tags: metal fitting, back together, carburetor body, fitting that, metal fitting that