Typical desktop PC running Microsoft Vista
If you cannot run Picture It! version 2002 on Vista, there are alternative programs available that you can use to successfully open, edit and save .png formatted files created with Picture It! 2002. One is a free, down-loadable, 60-day trial version. Other programs can be purchased from retail and online vendors. Reading the online forums for Picture It! 2002 can provide useful data.
Workarounds To Using Picture It 2001
1. Sample of Microsoft Vista wallpaper
Install Microsoft Digital Imaging Suite 2006 Anniversary Edition, which has been optimized for Microsoft Vista. This program has a compatibility patch for Digital Imaging Suite 2006. Copy the directory where Picture It! files are stored to your Vista PC using an external USB drive or USB stick.
2. Typical digital image
Download and install Microsoft Digital Imaging 2006 "Vista Compatibility Update." Microsoft Digital Imaging Suite free trial will open Picture It!.png formatted files for viewing but will not permit saving edited files.
3. Microsoft Digital Imaging Suite retail version
Install MS Picture It!/ and MS Digital Image programs such as Picture It! 99, Picture It! 2000, Digital Imaging Suite 9 or Digital Imaging Suite 2006 on the Vista partition.
Tags: Digital Imaging, Digital Imaging Suite, Imaging Suite, Microsoft Digital, Microsoft Digital Imaging, Imaging Suite 2006