For many people interested in metaphysical studies, divination is a popular way to look for guidance and life advice. Some people choose to read palms, others do Tarot cards, but one of the easiest forms of divination involves the use of a pendulum. It is simple to create one of your own and easy to learn use. By calibrating your pendulum for "yes" and "no" answers, you can answer many questions in divination. You could go out and buy one, but it's not hard to create a simple pendulum on your own.
1. Wrap the crystal or stone in the jeweler's wire. If you don't have a crystal or stone, you can use any other weighted item such as a ring or other piece of jewelry. Don't surround it completely in the jeweler's wire -- just use enough to securely hold the stone or weight in place while you form a loop of wire at the top.
2. Attach the chain or string to the loop. If you're using a piece of necklace chain, simply use the clasp on the chain to attach to the wire loop. If you're using string or thread, run one end through the loop and tie it in place securely. What you should have now is a heavy weight or stone dangling from one end of a string or chain. This is your pendulum.
3. Calibrate your pendulum. This is how you find out which direction means "no" and which means "yes". Hold the pendulum in the air by the free end of the chain or string. Make sure it isn't moving. Ask a yes or no question to which you already know the answer is yes, such as "Is my name (your name)" or "Am I female?" Watch the pendulum, and it will eventually begin to swing. Typically, they will swing either forward/backward or right/left, although a few will go in a circular motion. Make a note of how your pendulum is traveling for a "yes" answer, and then ask a question that has a definite "no" answer. It should swing in a completely different direction than it did for the "yes" question. Remember which direction is "yes" and which is "no."
4. Use your pendulum for divination by asking "yes" or "no" questions. Make note of the answers to see what your pendulum is telling you.
Tags: your pendulum, chain string, crystal stone, jeweler wire, loop using