Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Gps To Laptop Display Software

Laptop GPS display software provides real-time tracking and detailed maps.

There are a variety of software products for laptops that are designed to receive and interpret GPS data. GPS display programs for laptops provide a larger and more detailed GPS display with access to large databases of cartographic information.

Basic Features

Laptop-based GPS software provides features that are designed for use in an automobile. One GPS program that is designed with automobiles in mind is Co-Pilot, Laptop 10 US-Canada . Some of its features include extensive and detailed maps, advanced way-point features, and voice alerts and directions.


Most GPS display software has relatively low processing requirements. The Iguidance GPS display program requires a laptop with a minimum of one gigabyte of RAM with a Pentium 3 processor. Most GPS display software supports one or more types of data interface including USB, CF, Blue-tooth and RS232.

Advanced Features

A major benefit of laptop-based GPS display software -- including Laptop 10 Can-US and iGuidance -- is that it supports features not found on hand-held GPS units. These programs can take advantage of Internet connectivity to pull addresses from Outlook address books, provide real-time tracking reports of your progress and instantly communicate changes in itinerary.

Tags: that designed, detailed maps, display software, display software, Most display