WAP is for older cell phones, or those without full Internet capabilities.
Mobile Internet is a basic web browser typically installed on cell phones that are not smartphones. The web browser is not fully functional and can only display text from websites. You cannot use it to view images or videos. If you purchase a phone that is not a smartphone and wish to go online with it, you need to use the WAP browser. It is simple to set up.
1. Sign up for a data package through your cell phone service provider. A data package allows you to use the Internet freely without having to pay extra fees. If you plan on using the web browser only once or twice, you do not need to sign up for a data package. Call your service provider to determine what they charge for a one-time use.
2. Purchase a phone with WAP capabilities. A sales representative will be able to direct you to the phone most appropriate for your needs.
3. Ask the sales representative to program your phone for activation or ask program it yourself. The programming process usually involves dialing "*" followed by a series of numbers. Once you program the phone, the settings for the web browser become active, which allows you to go online.
Tags: data package, cell phones, Mobile Internet, sales representative, service provider