Rocket Stick is the Rogers prepaid cellular data service. Rogers provides several models of USB modem from different companies under the Rocket Stick program. The Nokia model the company uses is the CS-18, a GSM device that uses a SIM card provided by Rogers. To activate the card, all you need to do is insert an active SIM card into the USB modem and install the Nokia Internet software.
1. Remove the cap covering the USB connector on the Nokia Rocket Stick.
2. Lift the SIM card slot cover and slide the SIM card into the slot. With the slot facing you, the beveled corner on the SIM should be on the bottom right.
3. Close the SIM card slot and insert the Rocket Stick into a USB port on your PC. The Nokia Internet Modem software will start automatically if you have Autoplay enabled.
4. Select your preferred language and click the "OK" button.
5. Accept the end-user license agreement to complete the install.
6. Type the PIN code provided by your cellular company when prompted by the software.
Tags: Rocket Stick, card into, card slot, Nokia Internet, Nokia Rocket