Bluetooth and ActiveSync technologies sometimes have problems working together.
Bluetooth, the hands-free mobile phone technology, can be used in tandem with ActiveSync, Microsoft's computer-to-mobile syncing technology. But there may be some technical problems that can arise when pairing the two.
Bad Connection
Attempting to pair ActiveSync and Bluetooth may sometimes result in a stalled or unresponsive connection. There could be many reasons for such a result. Make sure that the versions of Bluetooth and ActiveSync are compatible. Older versions of either program will not operate with newer versions.
Battery Power Loss
Sometimes, the use of ActiveSync and Bluetooth together can put a strain on your cellphone's battery. Make sure your phone is fully charged, or else place it on the charger when pairing the two programs.
Error Messages
Error messages may appear when pairing ActiveSync with Bluetooth. This usually occurs when the wrong serial port is selected when attempting to pair the two programs. The Bluetooth device connects to the computer in the same way that a USB or Ethernet cord would, so make sure that you know which port is which when pairing.
Pairing Blueetooth and ActiveSync
Locate the Bluetooth device on both your computer and phone. On the menu that appears, set up an incoming connection between the device and your computer. On your phone, your PC should now appear as a Bluetooth device. Click "Partnership Settings" and "Refresh" to find the ActiveSync settings. Click "Connect via Bluetooth."
Tags: when pairing, Bluetooth device, ActiveSync Bluetooth, Bluetooth ActiveSync, Make sure