The PUK, or PIN unlocking key, is the code used to unlock or unblock a locked SIM (Subscriber Identification Module) card on your T-Mobile G1 mobile phone. The SIM can become locked after you enter your PIN code into the phone incorrectly three consecutive times. If this occurs, the SIM card will lock and the G1 phone will become inoperable. The process of fixing the locked G1 phone with your PUK is straightforward.
1. Contact the Customer Care department of T-Mobile and inform a representative that you have locked your phone. Customarily, he will ask you to verify your account by answering several questions, including the name and address on the account. Once your account is verified, he will give you your PUK code.
2. Press the "Power" button on your T-Mobile G1 to turn it on. The default screen will show the code entry boxes.
3. Enter the PUK code that you receive from the Customer Care representative into the Code Entry screen.
Tags: Customer Care, your account, your code, your T-Mobile