Monday, December 8, 2014

Tracfone Instructions

Set up your TracFone online and get started making calls.

Prepaid cell phones are phones that you buy minutes for, in advance, and when the minutes run out you're no longer able to talk or text. Many companies, including TracFone, offer prepaid phone service. But unlike with purchasing a phone from a company, your phone isn't activated for you. It can be somewhat confusing to get started using your TracFone, but if you follow instructions closely, you can begin making phone calls within a matter of minutes.


1. Purchase your TracFone from your local grocer, pharmacy or electronics store. If your phone doesn't come with TracFone minutes, purchase a minutes card too.

2. Plug your TracFone into its charger and let it charge its battery for a couple of hours.

3. Turn on your TracFone and open the main menu. Navigate to the section that says "My ESN" or "My IMEI." Take note of this number and set it aside momentarily.

4. Log on to (or use the link in "Resources" section). Click the "Activate My Phone" link.

5. Select the make and model of your phone. Click "Submit" to continue.

6. Register with the website, making sure to fill out all the necessary information such as name, address, email address and your phone's serial number. Because you don't have a TracFone number yet, check a box next to the option that reads "I don't have a TracFone Number."

7. Follow the on-screen prompts to finish activating your phone. You should receive a text message from the TracFone company notifying you that your phone has been successfully activated.

Tags: your phone, your TracFone, have TracFone