Reinstall Microsoft Works 8.5
If you start receiving messages that files are missing or corrupted when working with Microsoft Works 8.5 you may need to reinstall the software. Reinstalling the software will return the Works suite to Microsoft defaults and will eliminate problems caused by add-ons or file corruption. Reinstalling Works 8.5 is a simple process and should not take very long.
1. Repairing an installation may resolve your Works installation without a re-install. Go to Control Panel, then to Programs and Features (or add/remove software). Highlight the Works Suite in the list and press repair.
2. Re-installation will be necessary if the repair process didn't work or you still have the same problems. Uninstall the application before re-installing. Go to Control Panel then to Programs and Features(or add/remove software) and highlight Works 8.5 and remove/uninstall the software. Press "allow" if the user access control dialog appears.
3. Place the Works CD in the drive and It will automatically start the setup program. Press "Allow" if the user access control dialog appears. Select the default settings for installation folder, and for program selections. Press "Install" to finish the installation process.
4. Open a Works application and select help, check for updates. Make sure your copy of Works has the latest updates to protect against malicious software, and to make sure you have the most up-to-date stable version available. Launch Windows Update to download critical security updates as well.
Tags: Microsoft Works, access control, access control dialog, control dialog, control dialog appears, Control Panel, Control Panel then