Several websites offer phone-unlocking services for a small fee. These companies require your phone's IMEI number, using which an unlock code is generated specifically for your handset. Once you've unlocked your Samsung A411, you can use the cell phone with any GSM network carrier.
1. Press "*#06#" on the phone's keypad. This will show you the unique IMEI number for your Samsung A411. When you type the last character, the IMEI number will appear on the screen.
2. Locate an online site that sells unlock codes for locked phones like Samsung A411. You can find some of these sites in Resources (GSM liberty, Cell Corner and Unlock it Now).
3. Enter your phone's IMEI number on the website. Also, specify the network the phone is currently locked to.
4. Enter an e-mail address at which the website should send the unlock code.
5. Provide your credit card details. The price of the code depends on the network your A411 is locked to.
6. Expect the code to arrive within 24 to 48 hours.
7. Turn off the cell phone and take out the existing SIM card. Now insert a SIM card from another network provider.
8. Enter the code when the phone asks for a password. Your phone will now be unlocked.
Tags: IMEI number, Samsung A411, your Samsung A411, cell phone, phone IMEI, phone IMEI number, unlock code