You can request an unpublished phone number, also known as an unlisted phone number, from your local phone company at the time you order new phone service. For a small monthly fee, phone companies will withhold phone unpublished phone numbers from telephone listing services such as the White Pages and information services available from local phone companies. Many people request an unpublished phone number for privacy reasons. However, you can request an unpublished phone number for any reason.
1. Call a company that provides local phone service in your area. Cell phone companies do not list cell phone numbers, so you cannot make a special request to receive an unpublished cell phone number.
2. Request a new phone number from a local phone service provider. If you already have an existing phone number with a local phone service provider, give the customer service representative your existing account information. If you don't already have an account, tell the customer service representative that you would like to establish new phone service.
3. Tell the customer service representative you do not want the new phone number listed or published. Once you make the request for the unpublished number and agree to the monthly fee, the customer service representative will set up your new phone number as unpublished. This action is automatic and immediate.
Tags: phone number, local phone, phone service, customer service, customer service representative