The volume control function normally located on the Windows taskbar must be loaded with the Windows CD. If this function is not loaded onto your PC or the function is blocked, go through the Windows Control Panel to adjust the volume. This process requires a few more clicks than just adjusting the Taskbar, but it gives you volume control without requiring the Windows CD or any further Windows installation. Read on to learn adjust volume when taskbar controls are blocked.
1. Click the Windows "Start" button at the lower right corner of your computer screen. This brings up the "Task Manager" window, which gives you access to the Windows "Control Panel."
2. Select "Control Panel." Locate the "Sounds and Audio Devices" icon.
3. Double-click the "Sound and Audio Devices" icon to access the "Sounds and Audio Devices Properties" window.
4. Notice the first tab is labeled "Volume" and two options are displayed: "Device Volume" and "Speaker Settings."
5. Use the slide bar under the "Device Volume" heading for a quick volume adjustment.
6. Select the "Advanced" button to bring up the volume "Master Control." This allows you to adjust the balance and volume for individual PC functions such as the CD player or the Master Control.
7. Click the "Speaker Volume" button under the "Speaker Settings" heading at the bottom of the box to adjust the volume of each individual speaker.
8. Check the box next to "Place Volume Icon in the Taskbar" if you want access to volume control from the taskbar. The volume icon appears in the taskbar if this function was loaded from the Windows CD during initial installation.
Tags: Audio Devices, Control Panel, volume control, adjust volume, Audio Devices icon