Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Install Palm Pre Plus Apps

The HP/Palm Pre Plus can run more apps than the low-cost HP/Palm Pixi.

The HP/Palm Pre Plus smartphone has hundreds of apps available for download. To install these apps, you will need to access the "App Catalog" on your HP/Palm Pre Plus device. This application comes installed by default on all HP/Palm smartphones. Many apps are free, but you will need a credit or debit card to buy many others.


1. Turn on your HP/Palm Pre Plus device.

2. Unlock the device by dragging the lock icon upward on the touchscreen.

3. Tap the "Launcher" icon in the bottom-right corner of the touchscreen.

4. Find the "App Catalog" icon in the launcher and tap it on the touch screen.

5. Tap the "Search" text box at the top of the screen to search for an app. You can also select "Catagories," "What's New?" and "Hottest Apps" to find apps for your HP/Palm Pre Plus phone.

6. Select the app you want to download. A card will open with a description of the app and a button for reviews from other users.

7. Tap the "Download" button at the bottom of the app to install it. You may need to enter a credit or debit card number after this step. However, after you have entered your information once, you will not need to enter it again when downloading and installing apps.

8. Tap the "Tap to Launch" button after the app has installed. The app will now open. You can also access the app you just installed through the HP/Palm Pre Plus launcher.

Tags: Palm Plus, your Palm Plus, will need, your Palm, credit debit, credit debit card