The Cabir virus affects high-end cell phones.
The Cabir virus is an infection that was built to affect high-end mobile phones, according to the Dance With Shadows website. Cabir affects cell phones with Windows Mobile, Symbian or NIT DocoMo operating systems with Bluetooth capability. If you are cautious, you can prevent your phone from being attacked by Cabir. But if you notice symptoms, remove the virus as soon as possible.
1. Open your cell phone's file manager tool. Remove the following files: "c:\system\apps\caribe\caribe.rsc, c:\system\apps\caribe\, c:\system\apps\caribe\flo.mdl, c:\system\recogs\flo.mdl, c:\system\symbiansecuredata\caribesecuritymanager\, c:\system\symbiansecuredata\caribesecuritymanager\caribe.rsc."
2. Install the F-Secure Antivirus tool. This tool can detect Cabir virus components on your cell phone and remove them. Run the tool to remove the virus.
3. Avoid the inbox message "Caribe.sis." Delete this file if it appears in your cell phone message inbox to avoid the Cabir virus.
Tags: caribe system, apps caribe, Cabir virus, cell phone, system apps, system apps caribe, your cell