A good voice mail greeting can be the difference between a caller leaving a message and simply hanging up and possibly never calling back. Whether you need a good voice mail message for your home or business use, there is a step-by-step strategy you should keep in mind whenever you need to record a new voice mail message, regardless of whether it's a one-time message or you record new ones each day, week or month.
1. Decide what you want your voice mail message to communicate to callers. If the voice mail is for a personal phone, think about what you want family and friends to know when they get your voice mail greeting. If it is for business purposes, think about your position in the company, as well as what information you need to communicate to people.
2. Write out a brief sketch of what you want to say. Include your name and phone number, whether the message is for personal or business voice mail. If you are writing a sketch for a business voice mail, also include your position, the company you work for, and if you are out of the office for a period of time, as well as when callers can expect a call back. Always be professional in your greeting, whether it is for a personal or business line.
3. Record your voice mail greeting, speaking slowly and clearly, and smiling as you speak. Don't ramble on for several minutes; try to keep your message as brief as possible while communicating the information that needs to be said. If you are going to be out of the office, state when you will return and a contact number and name for an emergency contact.
4. Replay your greeting and make sure you are satisfied with the result. Remember that this is what everyone will hear when they call you and you don't answer your phone. So don't be afraid to re-record your voice mail greeting several times to get it just the way you want it.
Tags: voice mail, your voice mail, your voice, mail greeting, mail message, voice mail greeting