Configure remote Windows client time from a Windows server using telnet.
Having the correct time and date on computers is extremely important to ensure that programs and services operate properly, especially when the programs and services connect to other computers and devices over the network. Changing the time and date on a Windows client computer locally can be done using the time and date tool accessible in the lower right hand of the computer. However, if you only have remote access to the computer through the command line from a server, changing the time requires "Time" and "Date" utilities and active telnet service.
1. Click the "Start" button located in the lower left corner of the Windows 2008 PC desktop and click "Search." Type "cmd" in the "Search" box and then press the "Enter" key.
2. Type "telnet," replacing "" with the IP address of the Windows 7 client computer. Press the "Enter" key. Type the password of an account that has permissions to access the Windows 7 client computer through telnet and press the "Enter" key.
3. Type "date" and press the "Enter" key. When prompted, type the correct date using the syntax "mm-dd-yy" where "mm" is the two digit month, "dd" is the two digit day of the month and "yy" is the two digit year. Press the "Enter" key.
4. Type "time" and press the "Enter" key. When prompted, type the correct time using the syntax "hh:mm:ss" where "hh" is the current hour, "mm" is the current minute and "ss" is the current second according to either the 12 or 24 hour time convention configured on the computer. Press the "Enter" key to save the new time setting.
Tags: Enter Type, Windows client, client computer, press Enter, Press Enter, time date, Windows client computer