Cell phones hold digital file information, ranging from operating-system data to media files. Because the phone is able to hold data files, it may become infected with a virus. Because of this, it is a good idea to scan the digital cell phone, just to make sure unwanted files are not present on the device. Doing so requires having a standard anti-virus program and a cell phone driver installed; otherwise, the computer is unable to detect and read the cell phone.
1. Open the Internet browser on the computer and navigate to the cell phone's manufacturing website.
2. Select "Support," then "Downloads" (note the exact wording, which may differ slightly based on website). Choose the model of cell phone you are using, then choose the operating system on the computer. Click "Download" next to the given cell phone driver to download the information to the computer.
3. Double-click the downloaded drive. This loads the driver installation wizard. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the driver onto the computer.
4. Plug the USB data cable into the power port on the cell phone, then plug the opposite end into a USB port on the computer system.
5. Open the anti-virus program installed on the computer, then select the "Scan" option and choose the removable device as the hardware you want to scan (this is the cell phone). Select "Start" and the anti-virus program scans over the cell phone. Due to the limited amount of files on the phone, this process only takes a few minutes. Once complete, the program states if it has located any viruses on the cell phone.
Tags: cell phone, anti-virus program, cell phone driver, phone driver